Season 2 | Episode 6
Made in Canada:
Canadian Inventions
An Interview With
Prof. Mark Rector
Author and Professor
Our guest this week is Mark Rector, a passionate public speaker, and recently retired Professor of Electronics Engineering with a speciality in telecommunications. Mark has written many technical articles, contributed to nationally published textbooks, and in the fall of 2018 released his first book, “OH CANADA! Our Home and Inventive Land.” His book is in its 4th printing and has sold more than 2000 copies to date. “OH CANADA,” contains more than 200 interesting and inspirational stories about innovative Canadians and their inventions.
Quick. Who invented the lightbulb? You might think you know, but you’re probably mistaken. Did you know it was invented by a Canadian? Did you know insufficient capital is the reason you might believe it was invented by someone else? Canada has a long history of inventiveness and originality that often goes unsung. The jet airliner, peanut butter, the walkie-talkie, the CPR dummy – all created by fascinating Canadian innovators.
If you’re interested in learning more about Canada’s expansive history, Mark’s enthusiasm for Canadiana and Canadian ingenuity will capture your attention. If you have a solid idea or invention and you’re not sure what to do next, in this episode you’ll discover some well-informed advice. Step one: tell no one!
Topics Discussed in this Episode:
[00:52] Who really invented the lightbulb?
[03:58] According to your historical research, how has Canada’s willingness to financially support invention and innovation changed throughout the years?
[06:38] Your book is the first of its kind – certainly in terms of breadth. How come no one thought of this before? Do you think Canadians can do a better job celebrating their own?
[09:35] Can you tell us about 1 or 2 of your favourite Canadian inventions/inventors?
[14:16] Your research goes back hundreds of years. What are some common characteristics of inventors?
[19:17] Can you talk about the barriers to the patenting process and how we might address them? What can someone who has invented something unique do?
Resource Links
“OH CANADA! Our Home and Inventive Land”
Website: http://professormarkrector.com/
Social Media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/profmarkrector?lang=en @ProfMarkRector
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prof_mark_rector/ @prof_mark_rector