"It's just a job."
Click to view a Qi MindMap™ of Square Pegs
Square Pegs are the most pessimistic of segments. With their troubled childhoods, combined with the wrong career choices, they have extremely low scores against work-related values. As the expression goes, they are “square pegs in a round hole.”
Square Pegs feel unfulfilled and disconnected at work. Many feel that they don’t contribute to society (potentially because only few work directly with people). Their unhappiness may also stem from not seeing the bigger picture of where they fit in the company, and from neither having control over work-related decisions nor ownership over their work.
NEED: Square Pegs need help in finding work that is meaningful based on their personality and interests.
Only work for the money
My job’s too stressful
Feel people look down on me
Lack of social bond and team spirit
Don’t believe they contribute to society through their work
Lack of decision-making
Don’t fully understand the scope of work they do (yet still rank themselves relatively high on skill level (62) vs 79 for The Fulfilled)
Average highest negative emotions.
69% Shy
58% Worried and Scared
41% Loneliness
38% Anxiety
36% Jealousy
28% Angry
Old Millennials & Gen X
Large proportion of women
Struggling financially
Education not relevant to occupation
Service and Entertainment
Non-management, non-professional
80% would change jobs